
Showing posts from December, 2017

My First Post

Hi, my name is Abygail. I've wanted to start a blog for awhile now, I was just too scared and didn't have enough time to before. I recently had surgery on my foot so I decided now would be a great time to start such a thing. I don't know what I want to achieve through this, but I'm hoping to get something out of it. I also hope I stick with it and post more than a couple times.  I used to have a real passion for writing, but I've somehow lost it along the way throughout my incredibly busy life. (P.S. It may not be that busy.) What do people normally write about on their blogs? I guess it depends on what type of blog they have. What type of blog am I going to have? Probably a messy one. My goal is to just go for it and blog about my life. My struggles and heartaches, the positives and negatives, ups and downs, and everything in between. Until next time, Be kind, stay true to yourself, and remember where you came from. 💕