Not Again

I wrote this when I was hurt... and when I had lost, yet another, friend.

What I know is this: I know close to nothing. For everything I thought I knew, was a lie.
I thought we would be friends forever. I thought that we could always work through anything and everything. I thought that opening myself up this time would be different. That everything would be different.
But it wasn’t.
Nothing was different and that’s what makes everything so difficult.
I thought I was different. I thought that I had changed, but I was wrong. Once again, I fell under the wing of someone who changed me and used me to their needs and then ambushed me. They have made me feel like I am nothing like I am not worthy of life itself. That I could not possibly go further without such pain, such anger.
Oh, how I am rageful. Oh, how I am hurt.
I am determined not to let it bother me in such ways as last time. I know now that I shall not crawl back and beg for their friendship for they are not worthy.

I can’t do it again. Not Again.


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