I wish you were here

I know I can't get him back, but oh how I wish I could.
I got accepted into college today. Real college, not a community college. I got accepted into a private university on a scholarship.
And when I hugged my mom in the parking lot I started to cry. 
She asked if I was crying because I was excited. I said yes.
But I wasn't. 
I wasn't crying because I was excited or happy.
I was crying, and haven't stopped crying, because I want to tell my dad. 
I want to look at him and hear my voice break because I'm on the verge of tears and watch as his eyes water. 

Crying over my father should be a thing of the past by now, but this hurts the most.
Every big moment I have gets crushed by the single thought of him. I don't mean for it to happen like that and I know he wouldn't want me to feel this way, but I can't help it.
I miss him.


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